
As part of the hackathon, you’ll learn how to cite texts, pages of the manuscript and images using URN notation.

We’ll use the following URNs in our collaborative editions:

  • Collection of images: urn:cite2:ecod:bern318imgs.v1:
  • Pages of the manuscript: urn:cite2:mid:bern318pages.v1:
  • The text of the Physiologus: urn:cts:mid:bestiaries.bern318.hc:

Using the bash shell in your terminal

Commands you’ll need:

  • cd (“Change Directory”): change your shell to a new folder
  • pwd (“Print Working Directorty”): show what folder your terminal is currently in

Running test scripts

Make sure your terminal is in the right folder (use pwd)

Start the testing environment: sbt console

XML element names

Our editions allow the following TEI elements:

Basic organizational structure

div: organize your sections in divisions. Use the @n attribute to name it.

p: within your div, organize your text in paragraphs

Identifying what’s legible

unclear: if you’re uncertain what the text says

gap: if something is missing

Identifying content that needs to be treated specially

num: numbers written numerically

persName: proper names of persons

placeName: proper names of places

If you have an abbreviation, you should identify it and how it should be expanded:

abbr: abbreviation

expan: full version (supplied by you)

Group these two together by wrapping them in a choice element.