Schedule: February 15, 2020

9:00-9:45: Register, meet your project leader, pre-flight checkup Enter Hogan Center from the parking lot (third-floor entrance), and an MID escort will lead you to the Levis Browsing Room in Dinand Library, where coffee will be available. Before the end of this block, each team should have at least one fully configured computer, and at least one additional computer with a web browser.

9:45-10:15: Introduction to the hackathon. Review the day’s schedule; how to cite digital images, and create a table indexing texts to images.

10:15-10:35: break out session: after finding the canonical reference for the first line of their assigned passage, each team indexes one or more assigned passages.

10:35-11:00: Introduction to editing. A brief introduction to the eXtensible Markup Language, XML.

11:00-11:15: break

11:15-12:00: break out session: each team begins editing its assigned text.

12:00-1:00: lunch.

1:00-1:15: Share work so far. Questions, problems, and success stories. Things we should be on the look out for in the afternoon.

1:15-2:00: break out session: each team edits and validates its text. Your project leader can help you run scripts that analyze your editing, and check your work for inconsistencies and errors.

2:00-2:15: snack break

3:15-3:30: wrap up editing for the day.

3:30-3:45: compile our composite edition! Project leaders will compile all contributions into a single edition.

3:45-4:00: Wrap up.