Commentarii de Pilinio

Editing MSS of Pliny the Elder

Commentarii de Pilinio

A brief work log updated every few days. Obnoxious Caesar allusions aplenty.

July 19th, 2018 With Caesar having crossed the Rhine, nearly all of A&G have been parsed. There are several exceptions, since several classes of nouns and verbs need to be added to Tabulae. In addition, Michael has parsed the first twenty sections of Pliny (with the exceptions to the yet to be added classes).

Also, Richard has been looking into various citations schemes of Pliny with the help of Prof. Perry and has uncovered a third citation system that we were hitherto unaware of. It appears to stem from Johannes de Spira’s first printed edition of the Natrual Histories. Richard is unsure if this citation scheme has a basis in any of the manuscripts. Prof. Perry also has discovered that the so-called “arabic numeral scheme” (the actual citation scheme we use in our edition) was created by Karl Julius Sillig in his edition of Pliny.

In looking at these citation schemes, Richard has also discovered that a symbol that looked like a “7” over a period was actually a form of punctuation, rather than an indication of a section ending (which is what we previously thought). He is altering the editorial standards to account for this.

July 6th, 2018

With the Avernii being subdued, Richard and Michael at the end of the week were able to parse at least one word from every part of speech currently supported by Tabulae in the Allen and Greenough repository. Many, but not all of these rules have found there way into the parser for Pliny.

In addition they compiled a list of the all the vocabulary in the first section of Pliny. From this list, they intend to parse each word and have at least one full chunk of Pliny completely parsed. The resulting workflow would essentially be bouncing back between parsing Pliny and A&G, and cherrypicking rules in A&G needed for Pliny.