Schedule: February 2, 2019

9:00-9:45: Register, meet your project leader, pre-flight checkup Pick up project packets in Hogan 320, and proceed directly to Hogan Room B/C. Before the end of this block, each team should have at least one fully configured computer, and at least one additional computer with a web browser. Coffee will be available for those who need it.

9:45-10:15: Introduction to the hackathon: Suite B/C. Review the day’s schedule; how to cite digital images, and create a table of paleogaphic observations.

10:15-10:45: break out session: each team records paleographic observations, and finds the canonical reference for the first line of their assigned passage. Challenge:

  • record paleographic observations for one line
  • find the canonical line number for your line
  • validate your paleographic work

10:45-11:15: Introduction to editing: Suite B/C. How to index text to images, and a brief introduction to the eXtensible Markup Language, XML.

11:15-12:30: break out session: each team begins editing its assigned text.

12:30-1:30: lunch.

1:30-2:00: Share work so far: Suite B/C. Questions, problems, and success stories. Things we should be on the look out for in the afternoon.

2:00-2:45: break out session: each team edits and validates its text. Your project leader can help you run scripts that analyze your editing, and check your work for inconsistencies and errors.

2:45-3:00: snack break

3:00-3:45: wrap up editing for the day.

3:45-4:15: compile our composite edition! Project leaders will compile all contributions into a single edition.

4:15-4:30: Wrap up (Hogan Ballroom).