User's guide

EditionBuilder is an abstract type. We'll illustrate how it works with a LiteralTextBuilder that simply extracts all text contents from an XML source.

An example: LiteralTextBuilder

using EditionBuilders
builder = LiteralTextBuilder("Literal text builder", "raw")

# output

LiteralTextBuilder("Literal text builder", "raw")

Exported function: edited

Subtypes of EditionBuilder should implement tjhe exported function edited.

Let's create a CitablePassage to work from:

using CitableText
using CitableCorpus
urn = CtsUrn("urn:cts:trmilli:tl.106.v1:1")
xml = """<ab n="1"><w>ebe<choice><sic>M</sic><corr>h</corr></choice>i</w> xopa : mei ti siyEni : <persName><w>sbiKaza</w></persName> Θortta : miNtehi : pddEneh : Mmi :</ab>"""
cn = CitablePassage(urn, xml)

# output


We use edited to apply our builder to a single CitablePassage. This creates a new CitablePassage. The URN of the new passage is the same except that the version identifier is now the one we specified for our builder. The text content is the literal text that our builder extracted from the XML source.

edition = edited(builder, cn)

# output

<urn:cts:trmilli:tl.106.raw:1> ebeMhi xopa : mei ti siyEni : sbiKaza Θortta : miNtehi : pddEneh : Mmi :

Creating an edition

The edition function can simply apply edited to each passage of a CitableTextCorpus to create a new citable corpus.

Let's first make a (very short) corpus containing our previous citable passage.

corpus = CitableTextCorpus([cn])

# output


Here's the new, univocal edition we wanted.

univocal = edited(builder, corpus)

# output

Corpus with 1 citable passages in 1 documents.